Sunday, April 12, 2009

Olive-Artichoke spread

olive artichoke spread

So "they" say that it's not a good idea to go grocery shopping when you're hungry. They say that doing so for whatever reason causes you to impulse shop and buy more than you really need. What I find happens to me is I buy things that I otherwise hate. The worst case of this being olives. As long as I can remember I have never liked olives. I only ever tolerate them in the occasional greek salad if i'm ordering it at a restaraunt but that's about all I can handle. But a little while ago I shopped when I was hungry (which I admit sometimes happens, though I try not to let it) and I ended up with a jar of olives and no idea what to do with 'em. On the odd occasion if I had a friend over who liked olives they'd nibble on them but always forget to take the jar home, so it's been stuck here for months. Until the other day. That's when I found a recipe for "artichoke olive crostini" on smitten kitchen. I love artichokes and it sounded pretty tasty so I set to work. 

olive artichoke spread copy

But since i'm not adding anything to this recipe, I thought i'd spice things up with a picture recipe instead. I just listed all the ingridents because it looked better then cramming directions in as well, but seriously-take a guess what you do with what's listed. (Just blend it! Food processer, magic bullet, vita mix, whatever you've got!)

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